Upper Lynn Elementary School Playground

low crowds | gated | lighting | low traffic caution | parking | nearby transit
Upper Lynn Elementary School has so much to offer anyone visiting, big or small. With three separate play structures surrounding the school you will need to have ample time to explore everything. A must-visit.
Upper Lynn Elementary School is the pinnacle of Lynn Valley, located as far north as you can go in Lynn Valley, in a quiet residential area. There is minimal parking, but this out-of-the-way locale is never crowded.
The first two play structures are located in the front of the school adjacent to each other and are completely protected from the parking lot and street. The playground to the north is larger than the one to the south. The larger playground is protected by super-tall shade trees and has creative play features such as an ice cream parlour store, spider web climbing net, battle monkey bars, side-by-side long slide, stair-ladder, bouncy balancers, and low reach pull-up bars. The smaller playground is toddler friendly and is also often in the shade. Climb up either the steps, ladder, or rock wall rope and slide down one of the two slides or poles. Beside the school garden are two large seated swingers. Both the playgrounds and swing area have their grounds covered with soft wood chips.
Behind the school and up into the field you will find the third playground. This is another large one designed for older children. It features more fun activities such as hanging monkey bars, metal track ride, driving simulator, wobbly balance beams, climbing rock walls, tall slide, voice travel tunnel, and monkey bar bridge. Beside the playground is a massive gravel field used for bike training. Surrounding the field and park are enormous coniferous trees; you are at the edge of the forest here. Just beyond the field is the magical McNair Place Park - which is the perfect addition to your Upper Lynn Elementary School playground adventure.